おたく - 한류ELF - 台湾游客

Live the Short Life with Lovely Cz Life is Too Loveable to leave "Your one day, my one day, because of each other every day can be beautiful Don’t bring up breaking up, such hurtful words Just stay by my side like this" (Haru- 슈퍼주니어)

Aurorae are Wishes an Dream to Catch Up

A natural light display in the sky particularly in Arctic and Antarctic, caused by the collision of energetic charged particles with atoms in the high altitude atmosphere (thermosphere)

Proud To Be Engineer

Planning, Designing, Modifying, Evaluating ^_^ Face this Life More Precise and Precious is the Biggest Thing I can Learn From Engineering Study

Pockets Fulfilling all Desires

This sort of thing is good, I wish I could do it that sort of dream, I have many of them all of them, all of them, he grants my dreams, he grants my dreams with a mysterious pocket, I want to fly freely in the sky (Doraemon Lyrics)

People are Puppet of Their Creator

Life is a Fix Scenario, As an Actor We are only Able to Improve It Become Better or Worse, Sweet or Bitter, Interesting or Bored For the Watcher and They will Judge for Our Next Direction

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

TulunGagung ExoTicisM

Do you ever heard about TULUNGAGUNG?
it's my home town
it's a little bit small, but has high exoticism

Tulungagung Town Square, citation

Tulungagung is sited on south of Surabaya (about 4 hours by bus or train)
Because Tulungagung southern boundary is the Hindia ocean, we can see so many beautiful and fantastic ocean tourism there

Tulungagung always popular with it's marble,
The biggest and best producer of marble in Indonesia
so it's also called as marble city
there is a huge marble mountain located in Campurdarat (about 1 hour from the city)
and some marble industries produced a range of marble handicrafts like marble statues, dining table, and marble floors

Marble Industry, citation
In Indonesia, not only Solo and Pekalongan City which has some Batik industry but also Tulungagung has some batik industry. Batik industry in Tulungagung has developed since Majapahit Kingdom, so it has unique and different complexion with batik in another city, Tulungagung Batik Complexion.

Some of Batik industry that still stands to this day in Tulungagung are Barong Gung (Kalangbret), Satrio Manah (Bangoan), Gajahmada (Kauman), etc
each of them produce writing and painting batik.
Tulungagung Batik, citation
Nature Tourism
this is the first place, we call this high ocean wich located in Pantai Indah POPOH (POPOH beautiful beaches). 
Popoh beach is located in Besuki District, about 1 hours from the city
the most interesting in Popoh beach is the high ocean beach,
you can walk through the sloping hills abaout 20 minutes to reach this high ocean

High Ocean POPOH

Brumbun Beach, citation
SINE Beach, citation
Sanggar Beach, citation

Molang Beach, citation
di desa pucanglaban kecamatan pucanglaban

Dlodo Beach, citation
Kaligentong Pucanglaban

Beside the beach, there are a lot of temple in tulungagung. The temples are the relics of the kingdom in Java
Penampihan Temple, citation
Gayatri Temple, citation
Dadi Temple, citation

Meja temple, citation
Cungkup Temple, citation
Selomangkleng Cave, citation
Sanggrahan Temple, citation
Mirigambar Temple, citation
Pasir Cave, citation
Pasir Cave Relief, citation

Wonorejo Dam, citation

Lawean waterfall, citation

penampihan tea garden, buret lake,

Tulungagung Museum, citation

Cultural Tourism
Wayang Kulit Purwo/Ringgit Purwo
Wayang Kulit Purwo, citation

Jaranan Sentherewe
Jaranan Senterewe, citation

Reog Kendang
Reog Kendang, citation
Tiban, citation
Coffee Cethe

Manten kucing
Tayub Langen Beksan

Tulungagung Cuisine

Sate dan Gule Kambing, this satay is different from Ponorogo Madura satay, which contain peanut ingredients, but it  use seasoning like salt, pepper, petis, soy sauce and sprinkled with chopped red onion and lime leaves.

Goat Satay and Gulai
Lodho Tulungagung, is a chicken flavored with coconut milk, lime leaves, Serai and Ginger. we can order it in a spicy and not. 
There are 2 most recommended place to buy Lodho, 1st is in Sumber Rejeki Tulungagung (locate in Ngujang) and Nasi Lodho Pak Yusuf (located in Kedungwaru District)

Lodho Ayam, citation
Kemplang, made from cassava is  given spices and formed flat

Kemplang, citation
Emping Melinjo Crackers is made of melinjo seeds are flattened,

Pecel Rice Tulungagung,

Sompil is made of rice cake and lodeh (spicy vegetables) with sprinkling of soy powder
Sompil, citation

Kicak is consist of Cenil, sawut, lupis, black rice, getuk, jongkong, and klepon. it is usually eat with grated coconut and melting brown sugar. So it has a sweet taste and rather springy because most of them are mad of cassava.
Kicak, citation
Tahu Lontong is made of fried onions, celery, rice cake (lontong), roasted peanuts, bean sprouts, half-cooked fried tofu, and its flavor is soy sauce, and paste (petis)

Tahu Lontong, citation

Rambak Crackers
Rambak Crackers, citation

Brondong Ketan,
Brondong Jagung, citation

Selasa, 20 Maret 2012

ElepHant MounTain

March 17th 2012

Today trip is the fifth trip after one month our arrival in Taiwan,
we decided to visit Elephant Mountain,
Elephant Mountain, about 200M high, is one of the Four Beasts Mountains, and paths from here go up to higher peaks in Nangang.
Go to the Elephant Mountain is a Great way to escape the city and enjoy a hike.
We know that it will better if we go there in the night because of the view,
but with some consideration, we go there at 9 am

night view from Elephant Mountain, citation

Elephant mountain is sited at Xinyi District Taipei City
Elephant mountain is only 5 minutes walk away from the Taipei center, the tallest building, Taipei 101 and about 15 minutes if we go from NTUST by bus number 1
or From Taipei City Hall MRT Station, we can take BUS NO 266
and we can pull over in Wuxing elementary school bus station

To get to the start of the hiking path, we can walk east along Xinyi Road for about 10 minutes to the junction of Song Ren Rd and Xinyi Road Section 5. Keep walking in the same direction across Song Ren Rd and past NY Bagels, you will see a sign pointing right for the hiking trail.

Hiking trailnya tidak sesusah yang dibayangkan, ada ribuan anak tangga datar yang bisa dilalui untuk mencapai si elephant mountain ini.

dibutuhkan waktu kurang lebih 30 menit (termasuk istirahat2 nya), untuk sampai di puncak elephant mountain. meskipun anak tangganya ini keliatan datar-datar saja, jumlah anak tangga yang sangat banyak, mampu membuat kita mengeluarkan keringat yang cukup banyak.

setelah beberapa menit berjalan, akhirnya didapatkan view ini,,,lumayan bagus
g kalah bagus dari malam hari,,

dari ketinggian ini, kita bisa melihat pemandangan pusat Kota Taipei beserta 101 building dari atas
apalagi kalau melihatnya dari atas tebing di bawah ini, pemandanganna akan semakin bagus,,
apalagi buat foto,,hehehe
Puas mengambil foto di spot-spot tersebut, perjalanan dilanjutkan ke sebuah kuil di atas gunung ini,,
dalam perjalanan ke kuil, ada beberapa spot menarik dan beberapa tempat untuk istirahat yang terlihat sangat terawat,

hanya sekitar 15 menit perjalanan kita dapat menemukan sebuah kuil di sisi kiri jalan.
memang perlu sedikit menuruni beberapa anak tangga untuk bisa sampai ke kuil ini,
idi depan kuil ini terdapat sebuah patung uang emas cina, yang di atasnya diletakkan 3 buah mata uang taiwan 3 dan 5 NTD. tapi kami tidak ada yang tau apa maksudnya.

 Di tangga pintu masuk kuil, juga terdapat dua buah patung singa setengah naga yang seperti nya merupakan penyambut para tamu kuil
lha yang ini, seperti yang ada di film-film cina itu, sepertinya ini merupakan tempat membakar uang kertas atau apa saja yang mau dikirimkan ke orang yang sudah meninggal. but, i'm not sure..hehhehe
gambar berikut adalah kuil dari tampak depan. bentuk bangunan kuil di taiwan, rata-rata sama seperti ini.

dan ini adalah tempat meletakkan Dupa untuk sembahyang mungkin (karena ada sisa-sisa batang dupa yang masih menancap dan menyala) 

oya,,ketika kami hendak kembali dari kuil ini untuk pulang, di tengah jalan kami bertemu dengan seorang wanita 60 tahunan yang sedang melakukan sesuatu,
dan ternyata apa yang sedang beliau lakukan?
coba tebak...
beliau sedang mengambil sampah-sampah plastik yang beliau lewati,,
suangar cak,,,
benar-benar seorang peinta alam ibuk ini,,
#mengingat seorang anak PA